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AWS A5.01M/A5.01:2019

Welding and Brazing Consumables - Procurement of Filler Metals and Fluxes (ISO 14344:2010 MOD)

Pages: 38
Publication date: 2019-06-26
Price: 72 vnd

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AWS A5.01M/A5.01:2019 provides a means by which the information needed for the procurement of welding consumables to a filler metal specification can be stated clearly, conscisely, and completely. It includes a method by which the heat, lot, testing, and certification requirements that are essential to so many of today's welding applications can be specified in the procurement document. This specification makes use of both U.S. Customary Units and the International System of Units (SI). Since these are not equivalent, each system must be used independently of the other.
Document identifier
AWS A5.01M/A5.01:2019
Welding and Brazing Consumables - Procurement of Filler Metals and Fluxes (ISO 14344:2010 MOD)
AWS Category
Filler Metals
Publication date
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Latest version
AWS A5.01M/A5.01:2019
Welding and Brazing Consumables - Procurement of Filler Metals and Fluxes (ISO 14344:2010 MOD)
Document identifier AWS A5.01M/A5.01:2019
Publication date 2019-06-26
Status Effective
History of version
AWS A5.01M/A5.01:2019 * AWS A5.01M/A5.01:2013 * AWS A5.01M/A5.01:2008 * AWS A5.01-93(R1999)
Price 72 vnd