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IEC 60500 Ed. 2.0 b:2017

Underwater acoustics - Hydrophones - Properties of hydrophones in the frequency range 1 Hz to 500 kHz

Pages: 47
Publication date: 2017-04-10
Price: 164 vnd

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IEC 60500:2017 specifies the relevant characteristics and properties of hydrophones in the frequency range 1 Hz to 500 kHz, and specifies how to report these characteristics. Provides guidance on the choice of a hydrophone with appropriate performance for a specific application. This standard is applicable to:- hydrophones employing piezoelectric sensor elements, designed to respond to sound pressure in water and measure underwater acoustical signals;- hydrophones with or without an integral pre-amplifier.This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:- the format and scope of IEC 60500 have been changed to be compatible with other IEC standards;- the upper limit of the frequency range of hydrophones has been expanded.
Document identifier
IEC 60500 Ed. 2.0 b:2017
Underwater acoustics - Hydrophones - Properties of hydrophones in the frequency range 1 Hz to 500 kHz
IEC Category
TC 87: Ultrasonics
Publication date
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Latest version
IEC 60500 Ed. 2.0 b:2017
Underwater acoustics - Hydrophones - Properties of hydrophones in the frequency range 1 Hz to 500 kHz
Document identifier IEC 60500 Ed. 2.0 b:2017
Publication date 2017-04-10
Classification 17.140.50. Electroacoustics
Status Effective
History of version
IEC 60500 Ed. 2.0 b:2017 * IEC 60500 Ed. 1.0 b:1974
Price 164 vnd