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ISO 10979:2019

Identification of fuel assemblies for nuclear power reactors

Pages: 10
Publication date: 2019-02-01
Price: 45 vnd

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This document specifies requirements for the unique identification of fuel assemblies utilized in nuclear power plants. It was developed primarily for commercial light-water reactor fuel, but can be used for any reactor fuel contained in discrete fuel assemblies that can be identified with an identification code as specified by this document.This document defines the characters and proposed sequence to be used in assigning identification to the fuel assemblies. The identification is intended to be borne by the fuel assembly throughout its lifetime.This document aims at providing an organizing principle for fuel assembly identification systems in order to guarantee unequivocal identification at any time and any place in the world (see also IAEA Safety Guide No. GS-G-3.5).Considering that existing standards for fuel assembly identification (such as ANSI/ANS-57.8-1995, DIN 25433, IAEA Safety Guide No. GS-G-3.5) ensure unequivocal identification in their respective fields of application, this document allows without restriction the further application of these standards. Moreover, it is intended that this document be used as a guideline for new definitions of identification systems.
Document identifier
ISO 10979:2019
Identification of fuel assemblies for nuclear power reactors
ISO Category
TC 85/SC 6: Reactor technology
Publication date
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Latest version
ISO 10979:2019
Identification of fuel assemblies for nuclear power reactors
Document identifier ISO 10979:2019
Publication date 2019-02-01
Classification 27.120.10. Reactor engineering
Status Effective
History of version
ISO 10979:2019 * ISO 10979:1994
Price 45 vnd