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ISO 18400-102:2017

Soil quality - Sampling - Part 102: Selection and application of sampling techniques

Pages: 80
Publication date: 2017-02-01
Price: 209 vnd

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ISO 18400-102:2017 gives guidelines for techniques for taking samples so that these can subsequently be examined for the purpose of providing information on soil quality. It gives information on equipment that is typically applicable in particular sampling situations to enable correct sampling procedures to be carried out and representative samples to be collected. Guidance is given on the selection of the equipment and the techniques to use to enable both disturbed and undisturbed samples to be correctly taken at different depths.ISO 18400-102:2017 does not cover:- investigations for geotechnical purposes, though where redevelopment of a site is envisaged, the soil quality investigation and the geotechnical investigation may sometimes be beneficially combined;- sampling of hard strata such as bedrock;- methods for the collection of information on soil quality without taking samples such as geophysical methods;- collection of water samples (these are to be collected in accordance with appropriate International Standards on ground or surface water sampling; for further information, see the ISO 5667 series);- investigations of soil gas about which guidance is provided in ISO 18400-204;- investigation of radioactively contaminated sites.NOTE 1 "Sampling technique" is defined in ISO 11074.NOTE 2 Guidance on the investigation and assessment of radioactivity in soils is provided in the ISO 18589 series.
Document identifier
ISO 18400-102:2017
Soil quality - Sampling - Part 102: Selection and application of sampling techniques
ISO Category
TC 190/SC 2: Sampling
Publication date
International Relationship
BS ISO 18400-102:2017
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Latest version
ISO 18400-102:2017
Soil quality - Sampling - Part 102: Selection and application of sampling techniques
Document identifier ISO 18400-102:2017
Publication date 2017-02-01
Classification 13.080.05. Examination of soils in general. Including sampling
Status Effective
History of version
ISO 18400-102:2017 * ISO 10381-6:2009 * ISO 10381-2:2002 * ISO 10381-6:1993
Price 209 vnd