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ISO 18400-104:2018

Soil quality - Sampling - Part 104: Strategies

Pages: 140
Publication date: 2018-10-01
Price: 232 vnd

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ISO 18400-104:2018 gives general guidance on the development of site investigation strategies and detailed guidance on the development of sampling strategies, when collecting information on the average properties of soil, the variability of soil properties, and the spatial distribution of soil properties.
Document identifier
ISO 18400-104:2018
Soil quality - Sampling - Part 104: Strategies
ISO Category
TC 190/SC 2: Sampling
Publication date
International Relationship
BS ISO 18400-104:2018
Cross references
Latest version
ISO 18400-104:2018
Soil quality - Sampling - Part 104: Strategies
Document identifier ISO 18400-104:2018
Publication date 2018-10-01
Classification 13.080.05. Examination of soils in general. Including sampling
Status Effective
History of version
ISO 18400-104:2018 * ISO 10381-6:2009 * ISO 10381-8:2006 * ISO 10381-5:2005 * ISO 10381-4:2003 * ISO 10381-6:1993
Price 232 vnd