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ACC RC14001:2015

Responsible Care 14001 Technical Specification

Pages: 59
Publication date: 2015-09-25
Price: 140 vnd

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The RC14001® Technical Specification (2015 edition) combines elements of the American Chemistry Council's (ACC) Responsible Care® initiative with those of the ISO Environmental Management Systems Standard, ISO 14001:2015). It enables a company to obtain, through an application and audit process, a certification that its management system conforms to both the ISO 14001 and RC14001 requirements. The Technical Specification has two components. The first is the actual text of ISO 14001, which specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes. The second component contained in corresponding boxed areas are the additional Responsible Care elements required under RC14001 scope. RC14001 is one option that ACC members and Responsible Care Partners may select to meet their Responsible Care management systems certification requirements. RC14001 is also available to non-ACC organizations that are interested in certifying a comprehensive management system covering environmental, health, safety, security, product stewardship and outreach activities. RC14001 audits are conducted by certification bodies accredited by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board.
Document identifier
ACC RC14001:2015
Responsible Care 14001 Technical Specification
ACC Category
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International Relationship
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Latest version
ACC RC14001:2015
Responsible Care 14001 Technical Specification
Document identifier ACC RC14001:2015
Publication date 2015-09-25
Status Effective
History of version
ACC RC14001:2015 * ACC RC14001:2008
Price 140 vnd