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IEC 60086-2 Ed. 13.0 b:2015

Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications

Pages: 107
Publication date: 2015-10-29
Price: 317 vnd

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IEC 60086-2:2015 is applicable to primary batteries based on standardized electrochemical systems. It specifies the physical dimensions, the discharge test conditions and discharge performance requirements. This thirteenth edition cancels and replaces the twelfth edition (2011) and constitutes a technical revision. Significant changes from the previous edition are test changes to battery types R03, LR03, R6, LR6, PR70, PR41, PR48, 6F22, 6LR61, 6LP3146 4LR25-2, R14, LR14, R20, LR20, CR2025, and CR2032, adding the 5AR40 back into the standard, addition of common designations, addition of two new battery types FR14505 and FR10G445, deletion of battery types LR53, R40, 2EP3863, 6F100, and general editorial changes. Keywords: primary batteries, electrochemical systems
Document identifier
IEC 60086-2 Ed. 13.0 b:2015
Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications
IEC Category
TC 35: Primary cells and batteries
Publication date
International Relationship
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Latest version
IEC 60086-2 Ed. 13.0 b:2015
Primary batteries - Part 2: Physical and electrical specifications
Document identifier IEC 60086-2 Ed. 13.0 b:2015
Publication date 2015-10-29
Classification 29.220.10. Primary cells and batteries
Status Effective
History of version
IEC 60086-2 Ed. 13.0 b:2015 * IEC 60086-2 Ed. 12.0 b:2011 * IEC 60086-2 Ed. 11.0 b:2007 * IEC 60086-2 Ed. 11.0 en:2006 * IEC 60086-2 Ed. 11.0 b:2006 * IEC 60086-2 Ed. 10.0 en:2000 * IEC 60086-2 Ed. 9.0 en:2000 * IEC 60086-2 Ed. 9.0 b:1997
Price 317 vnd