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ISO 18400-203:2018

Soil quality - Sampling - Part 203: Investigation of potentially contaminated sites

Pages: 42
Publication date: 2018-10-01
Price: 162 vnd

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ISO 18400-203:2018 gives guidance on the: investigation of sites, where either it is known that soil contamination is present, or the presence of soil contamination is suspected; investigation of sites where no soil contamination is expected, but the soil quality is to be determined (e.g. to make sure that there is no contamination present); investigation in anticipation of a need to manage re-use or disposal of excavated soil which might be contaminated; collection of information that is necessary for risk assessment and/or the development of remedial action plans (e.g. whether remediation is required and suggestions as to how this might be best achieved).
Document identifier
ISO 18400-203:2018
Soil quality - Sampling - Part 203: Investigation of potentially contaminated sites
ISO Category
TC 190/SC 2: Sampling
Publication date
International Relationship
BS ISO 18400-203:2018
Cross references
Latest version
ISO 18400-203:2018
Soil quality - Sampling - Part 203: Investigation of potentially contaminated sites
Document identifier ISO 18400-203:2018
Publication date 2018-10-01
Classification 13.080.05. Examination of soils in general. Including sampling
Status Effective
History of version
ISO 18400-203:2018 * ISO 10381-5:2005
Price 162 vnd