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ISO 18400-103:2017

Soil quality - Sampling - Part 103: Safety

Pages: 40
Publication date: 2017-01-01
Price: 162 vnd

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ISO 18400-103:2017 gives guidelines for:- identification of hazards that could be encountered during a site investigation and when collecting samples of soil and other ground material, including hazards that are intrinsic in the sampling operation (e.g. physical hazards) in addition to the hazards that might arise, e.g. from contamination with chemicals or biological agents;- measures to be adopted to control risks once an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out.
Document identifier
ISO 18400-103:2017
Soil quality - Sampling - Part 103: Safety
ISO Category
TC 190/SC 2: Sampling
Publication date
International Relationship
BS ISO 18400-103:2017
Cross references
Latest version
ISO 18400-103:2017
Soil quality - Sampling - Part 103: Safety
Document identifier ISO 18400-103:2017
Publication date 2017-01-01
Classification 13.080.05. Examination of soils in general. Including sampling
Status Effective
History of version
ISO 18400-103:2017 * ISO 10381-3:2001
Price 162 vnd