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ISA 95.00.02-2010

Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 2: Object Model Attributes

Pages: 186
Publication date: 2010-01-01
Price: 509 vnd

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This part of ISA95, in conjunction with ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2010 (IEC 62264-1 Mod), Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 1: Models and Terminology, specifies generic interface content between manufacturing control functions and other enterprise functions. The interface considered is between Level 3 manufacturing systems and Level 4 business systems in the hierarchical model defined in Part 1. The goal is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated with implementing the interface. Since this standard covers many domains, and there are many different standards in those domains, the semantics of this standard are described at a level intended to enable the other standards to be mapped to these semantics. To this end this standard defines a set of elements contained in the generic interface, together with a mechanism for extending those elements for implementations. The scope of Part 2 is limited to the definition of object models and attributes of the exchanged information defined in Part 1. This Part 2 standard does not define attributes to represent the object relationships.
Document identifier
ISA 95.00.02-2010
Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 2: Object Model Attributes
ISA Category
Digital Fieldbus, Computer Related Topics, and Plant Floor Communications
Publication date
International Relationship
IEC 62264-2 Ed. 1.0 b:2005
Cross references
Latest version
ISA 95.00.02-2010
Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 2: Object Model Attributes
Document identifier ISA 95.00.02-2010
Publication date 2010-01-01
Status Effective
History of version
ISA 95.00.02-2010 * ISA 95.00.02-2001
Price 509 vnd