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IEEE 308-2012

IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Pages: 41
Publication date: 2013-01-16
Price: 76 vnd

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Revision Standard - Active. Class 1E portions of ac and dc power systems and I&C power systems in single-unit and multiunit nuclear power generating stations are covered in this standard. The provision of criteria for the determination of Class 1E power system design features, criteria for sharing Class 1E power systems in multiunit stations, the requirements for their testing and surveillance, and the requirements for documentation of the Class 1E power system is the intent of this standard.
Document identifier
IEEE 308-2012
IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
IEEE Category
General/Other - Nuclear and Plasmas Science
Publication date
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Latest version
IEEE 308-2012
IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Document identifier IEEE 308-2012
Publication date 2013-01-16
Classification 27.120.30. Fissile materials and nuclear fuel technology
29.240.01. Power transmission and distribution networks in general
Status Effective
History of version
IEEE 308-2012 * IEEE 308-2001 * IEEE 308-1991 * IEEE 308-1980
Price 76 vnd