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IEC 60300-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2014

Dependability management - Part 1: Guidance for management and application

Pages: 93
Publication date: 2014-05-23
Price: 281 vnd

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IEC 60300-1:2014 establishes a framework for dependability management. It provides guidance on dependability management of products, systems, processes or services involving hardware, software and human aspects or any integrated combinations of these elements. It presents guidance on planning and implementation of dependability activities and technical processes throughout the life cycle taking into account other requirements such as those relating to safety and the environment. This standard gives guidelines for management and their technical personnel to assist them to optimize dependability. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - an updating of definitions to reflect IEC 60050-191:2014; - an enhanced description of dependability and its attributes; - a more generic approach to dependability management; - revised guidelines for application of dependability management; - a more generic approach to the life cycle; - a framework for dependability standards. Keywords: dependability management
Document identifier
IEC 60300-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2014
Dependability management - Part 1: Guidance for management and application
IEC Category
TC 56: Dependability
Publication date
International Relationship
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Latest version
IEC 60300-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2014
Dependability management - Part 1: Guidance for management and application
Document identifier IEC 60300-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2014
Publication date 2014-05-23
Classification 03.100.40. Research and development
03.120.01. Quality in general
21.020. Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment
Status Effective
History of version
IEC 60300-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2014 * IEC 60300-1 Ed. 3.0 en:2014 * IEC 60300-1 Ed. 2.0 b:2003 * IEC 60300-1 Ed. 2.0 en:2003
Price 281 vnd