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IEC 60153-4 Ed. 3.0 en:2017

Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 4: Relevant specifications for circular waveguides

Pages: 12
Publication date: 2017-08-16
Price: 82 vnd

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IEC 60153-4:2017 specifies straight hollow metallic tubing of circular waveguides for use as waveguides in electronic equipment.The aim of this recommendation is to specify for hollow metallic waveguides:a) the details necessary to ensure compatibility and, as far as essential, interchangeability;b) test methods;c) uniform requirements for the electrical and mechanical properties.This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:a) expand and revise the operation frequency range for waveguides;b) revise the allowance of aperture dimensions;c) revise the test method for aperture dimensions;d) revise the equation of attenuation.
Document identifier
IEC 60153-4 Ed. 3.0 en:2017
Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 4: Relevant specifications for circular waveguides
IEC Category
TC 46: Cables, wires, waveguides, R.F. connectors, R.F. and microwave passive components and accessories, SC 46F: RF and microwave passive components
Publication date
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Latest version
IEC 60153-4 Ed. 3.0 en:2017
Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 4: Relevant specifications for circular waveguides
Document identifier IEC 60153-4 Ed. 3.0 en:2017
Publication date 2017-08-16
Classification 33.120.10. Coaxial cables. Waveguides
Status Effective
History of version
IEC 60153-4 Ed. 3.0 en:2017 * IEC 60153-4 Ed. 2.0 b:1973
Price 82 vnd