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ISO 12800:2017

Nuclear fuel technology - Guidelines on the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium oxide powders by the BET method

Pages: 14
Publication date: 2017-06-01
Price: 68 vnd

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ISO 12800:2017 gives guidelines on the determination of the specific surface area of as-fabricated uranium dioxide powder by volumetric or gravimetric determination of the amount of nitrogen adsorbed on the powder, and can be applied to other similar materials, e.g. U3O8, UO2-PuO2 powders, and other bodies with similar surface areas, e.g. powder granules or green pellets, provided that the conditions described are fulfilled. Modifications using other adsorbing gases are included.The method is relevant as long as the expected value is in the range between 1 m2/g and 10 m2/g.
Document identifier
ISO 12800:2017
Nuclear fuel technology - Guidelines on the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium oxide powders by the BET method
ISO Category
TC 85/SC 5: Nuclear fuel technology
Publication date
International Relationship
DIN EN ISO 12800 * BS ISO 12800:2017 * BS EN ISO 12800:2019
Cross references
Latest version
ISO 12800:2017
Nuclear fuel technology - Guidelines on the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium oxide powders by the BET method
Document identifier ISO 12800:2017
Publication date 2017-06-01
Classification 27.120.30. Fissile materials and nuclear fuel technology
Status Effective
History of version
ISO 12800:2017 * ISO 12800:2003
Price 68 vnd