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ASA S1.26-2014 (R2019)

American National Standard Method for the Calculation of the Absorption of Sound by the Atmosphere

Pages: 54
Publication date: 2014-08-28
Price: 145 vnd

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This Standard provides the means to calculate atmospheric absorption losses of sound from any source, moving or stationary, for a wide range of meteorological conditions. The atmosphere is assumed to be still, homogeneous moist air of normal composition. Non-homogeneous atmospheres can be divided into horizontal layers within which homogeneous conditions can be assumed. Attenuation coefficients for puretone sounds are calculated by means of equations (or a table) over ranges of frequency, and the humidity, pressure, and temperature of the atmosphere. For sounds analyzed by fractional-octave-band filters (e.g., one-third-octave-band filters), alternative methods are provided in annexes to calculate the attenuation caused by atmospheric absorption from that specified for pure-tone sounds.
Document identifier
ASA S1.26-2014 (R2019)
American National Standard Method for the Calculation of the Absorption of Sound by the Atmosphere
ASA Category
S1 Standards on Acoustics
Publication date
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Latest version
ASA S1.26-2014 (R2019)
American National Standard Method for the Calculation of the Absorption of Sound by the Atmosphere
Document identifier ASA S1.26-2014 (R2019)
Publication date 2014-08-28
Status Effective
History of version
ASA S1.26-2014 (R2019) * ASA S1.26-1995 (R2009)
Price 145 vnd