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ISO 11462-1:2001

Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC) - Part 1: Elements of SPC

Pages: 23
Publication date: 2001-06-15
Price: 138 vnd

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Statistical process control (SPC) concerns the use of statistical techniques and/or statistical or stochastic control algorithms to achieve one or more of the following objectives:to increase knowledge about a process;to steer a process to behave in the desired way;to reduce variation of final-product parameters, or in other ways improve performance of a process.These guidelines give the elements for implementing an SPC system to achieve these objectives. The common economic objective of statistical process control is to increase good process outputs produced for a given amount of resource inputs.This part of ISO 11462 specifies SPC system guidelines for usewhen a supplier's capability to reduce variation in processes associated with design or production needs to be proven or improved; orwhen a supplier is beginning SPC implementation to achieve such capability.These guidelines are not intended for contractual, regulatory or certification use.
Document identifier
ISO 11462-1:2001
Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC) - Part 1: Elements of SPC
ISO Category
TC 69/SC 4: Applications of statistical methods in process management
Publication date
International Relationship
BS ISO 11462-1:2001 * BS ISO 11462-1:2001
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Price 138 vnd