The author performed a preliminary analysis of a circulation apparatus that
reduces evaporation and enhances water quality of surface water reservoirs.
Water waves within a reservoir will provide the renewable energy for natural
circulation of water from the epilimnion to the hypolimnion through a circulation
apparatus. The warm surface water in the epilimnion will be collected and
conveyed through a concentric tube to lower water temperatures in the
hypolimnion by the wave energy. As a result, the surface water temperature of a
reservoir will be reduced by allowing warmer water at the surface to be conveyed
to the colder water temperatures. In addition, the warm water and cold water will
be mixed together allowing the overall water temperature in a reservoir to
potentially equalize. The hydraulic circulation will ultimately lower the surface
water temperature of a reservoir, reduce evaporation, and enhance water quality
by partial for full destratification of a reservoir. There is a significant reduction in
firm yields of major reservoirs due to evaporation losses and potentially by water
losses due to climate change. The circulation apparatus will provide an
alternative for effective management of reservoir storage capacity to meet future
water demands and hydrologic conditions. Includes 7 references, figures.
Document identifier
A Circulation Apparatus to Reduce Evaporation and Enhance Water Quality of Surface Water Reservoirs
AWWA Category
DSS2007 - 2007 Distribution System Symposium Proceedings
Publication date
International Relationship
Price |
24 vnd |