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ISO 21632:2018

Graphic technology - Determination of the energy consumption of digital printing devices including transitional and related modes

Pages: 44
Publication date: 2018-12-01
Price: 185 vnd

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This document provides directions for measuring and calculating the electricity consumption of any format of digital production press, whose modes, other than production printing mode, play a significant role in the comprehensive energy consumption. It excludes digital presses designed to print substrates other than paper or plastic and conventional printing presses fitted with digital inkjet printing heads.It can be used to compare the energy efficiency figures for different machine combinations: best-quality (slowest), highest-productivity (fastest) or other alternative combinations.
Document identifier
ISO 21632:2018
Graphic technology - Determination of the energy consumption of digital printing devices including transitional and related modes
ISO Category
TC 130: Graphic technology
Publication date
International Relationship
BS ISO 21632:2018
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Price 185 vnd