Title 12 - BANKS AND BANKING is composed of seven volumes. The parts in these volumes are arranged in the following order: parts 1 - 199, 200 - 219, 220 - 299, 300 - 499, 500 - 599, part 600 - 899, and 900 - end. The first volume containing parts 1 - 199 is comprised of chapter I - Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury. The second and third volumes containing parts 200 - 299 are comprised of chapter II - Federal Reserve System. The fourth volume containing parts 300 - 499 is comprised of chapter III - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and chapter IV - Export-Import Bank of the United States. The fifth volume containing parts 500 - 599 is comprised of chapter V - Office of Thrift Supervision, Department of the Treasury. The sixth volume containing parts 600 - 899 is comprised of chapter VI - Farm Credit Administration, chapter VII - National Credit Union Administration, chapter VIII - Federal Financing Bank. The seventh volume containing part 900 - end is comprised of chapter IX - Federal Housing Finance Board, chapter XI - Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, chapter XIV - Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, chapter XV - Department of the Treasury, chapter XVII - Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Department of Housing and Urban Development and chapter XVIII - Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Department of the Treasury. The contents of these volumes represent all of the current regulations codified under this title of the CFR as of January 1, 2003.
Document identifier
Code of Federal Regulations - Title 12 Part 900 - END (Bank and Banking)
CFR Category
Title 12 - Banks and Banking
Publication date
International Relationship
Latest version
History of version
CFR 12CFR 1-END*CFR 12CFR 900-END * CFR 12CFR 1-END * CFR 12CFR 1-END * CFR 12CFR 1100 - END * CFR 12CFR 1026-1099 * CFR 12CFR 900-1025 * CFR 12CFR 600-899 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 900-END * CFR 12CFR 600-899 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 900-END * CFR 12CFR 600-899 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 900-END * CFR 12CFR 600-899 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 900-END * CFR 12CFR 600-899 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 900-END * CFR 12CFR 600-899 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 900-END * CFR 12CFR 600-899 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 900-END * CFR 12CFR 600-899 * CFR 12CFR 300-499 * CFR 12CFR 1-199 * CFR 12CFR 220-299 * CFR 12CFR 200-219
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60 vnd |