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CSA Z98-14 (R2019)

Passenger Ropeways and Passenger Conveyors

Pages: 152
Publication date: 2014-03-01
Price: 235 vnd

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This Standard specifies requirements for the design, manufacture, construction, modification, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of passenger ropeways and passenger conveyors. For this Standard, passenger ropeways and passenger conveyors include: a) reversible above-surface ropeways with single- or double-track ropes; b) fixed and detachable grip circulating above-surface monocable, bi-cable, and tri-cable ropeways, including cabin ropeways, chair ropeways, and similar devices; c) surface ropeways, including T-bar ropeways, J-bar ropeways, platter ropeways, and similar devices; d) tows, including wire and fibre rope tows; e) tows for secondary carriers; and f) devices with a moving flexible element that i) transport persons uphill for recreational or sport activities; or ii) are used as loading conveyors.
Document identifier
CSA Z98-14 (R2019)
Passenger Ropeways and Passenger Conveyors
CSA Category
Elevating Devices
Publication date
International Relationship
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Latest version
CSA Z98-19
Passenger Ropeways and Passenger Conveyors
Document identifier CSA Z98-19
Publication date 2019-03-01
Status Effective
History of version
CSA Z98-19*CSA Z98-14 (R2019) * CSA Z98-19 * CSA Z98-14 (R2019) * CSA Z98-07 (R2012) * CAN/CSA Z98-01
Price 235 vnd