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ASA S1.4-2014/Part 2 / IEC 61672-2:2013 (R2019)

American National Standard - Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters - Part 2: Pattern Evaluation Tests (a nationally adopted international standard)

Pages: 48
Publication date: 2014-07-21
Price: 274 vnd

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This part of ANSI/ASA S1.4 / IEC 61672 provides details of the tests necessary to verify conformance to all mandatory specifications given in ANSI/ASA S1.4-2014/Part 1 / IEC 61672-1:2013 for time-weighting sound level meters, integrating-averaging sound level meters, and integrating sound level meters. Pattern-evaluation tests apply for each channel of a multi-channel sound level meter, as necessary. Tests and test methods are applicable to class 1 and class 2 sound level meters. The aim is to ensure that all laboratories use consistent methods to perform pattern-evaluation tests.
Document identifier
ASA S1.4-2014/Part 2 / IEC 61672-2:2013 (R2019)
American National Standard - Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters - Part 2: Pattern Evaluation Tests (a nationally adopted international standard)
ASA Category
S1 Standards on Acoustics
Publication date
International Relationship
IEC 61672-2 Ed. 2.0 b:2013
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Price 274 vnd