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National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)

Formerly the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, NACE International represents members from 92 countries and is the largest organization in the world dedicated to the study of corrosion. NACE works to protect people, infrastructure, the environment, and the economy from the effects of corrosion by promoting engineering and research. Approximately 100 standards cover subjects such as laboratory corrosion testing, corrosion prevention and blast cleaning.

NACE International was established in 1943 by eleven corrosion engineers from the pipeline industry as the "National Association of Corrosion Engineers." The founding engineers were originally part of a regional group formed in the 1930s when the study of cathodic protection was introduced.

Since then, NACE International has become the global leader in developing corrosion prevention and control standards, certification and education. The members of NACE International still include engineers, as well as numerous other professionals working in a range of areas related to corrosion control.


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